The Community UCC Solar Array Project is an outgrowth of a church-wide retreat in 2012 where the congregation explored what God might be leading us to do next. The congregation charged the Justice in a Changing Climate Task Force to investigate whether the congregation should install solar panels on the roof of the church's building. In the process of its research, we have met with congregations and neighborhood nonprofits throughout North Carolina in various stages of asking the same questions. We realized that, if we could get the kinks out of one pilot project, we might have a model that other nonprofits (congregations, community groups) could more easily adopt. In that spirit of cooperation, we decided to throw the pilot project open to anyone in the community who would like to donate. We plan to post data on the electricity generated so donors can follow the project.
On January 25, 2015, the congregation affirmed the project and began fundraising for the array. Early pledges of support from a handful of community and congregational members were very encouraging toward the decision to proceed, and we thank those who led the way with their pledges. We are now accepting donations from the community and congregation.
One of the reasons Gary supports the CUCC Solar Array Project - the Grand Tetons glaciers are disappearing |
Contact Gary Smith at smithgk@mindspring.com if you would like more information about what we have learned about placing a solar array on a building owned by a nonprofit, or if you have more questions about the Community UCC Solar Array Project. Gary is chair of the Justice in a Changing Climate Task Force.
Contact Jane Smith at smithjeg@mindspring.com if you would like to make a donation or a gift honoring someone. Jane is a member of the Justice in a Changing Climate Task Force.
* Someone asked us how the CUCC Solar Array Project fits into the ministries of Community UCC.
Our intention has always been to grow toward caring for creation in everything we do. New ideas keep bubbling up from the congregation as we continue to challenge ourselves to be ever more faithful. Here is a list of current work and who at CUCC is doing it.
- Plant a Row for the Hungry vegetable garden (Children's Church School)
- Prayer vigils, rallies, petitions, and Valentines about climate change and the effect on those least able to adapt, at the state and national level (Justice in a Changing Climate Task Force)
- Making our grounds welcoming to birds, other critters, and neighbors by planting fruit and seed-bearing trees, bushes, and flowers, and by moving toward LED, downward path lighting (Property Ministry)
- Educational series on climate change science and actions (Religious Education Ministry)
- Informal swapping of information on energy saving methods at home (everyone)
- Experiments with local foods and healthy eating at potlucks (Welcoming, Fellowship and Growth Ministry) and retreats (Deacons Ministry)
- Geology and econiche hikes (Stewardship Ministry) and camping retreats (Religious Education Ministry) to connect us to nature and renew our spirits
- Recycling (Property Ministry) and battery/fluorescent bulb collection (Justice in a Changing Climate Task Force)