Daryl Byler wrote: "Cindy and I were pleased to participate in this campaign in honor of our niece, Erin Kiel. Incidentally, we just installed 28 solar panels on our home roof two weeks ago."
Congratulations, Bylers, on your new solar array!
Send us a photo of what is inspiring you to support the CUCC Solar Array Project. Whether a favorite place in nature, something that reminds you of a hoped-for future, or your own smiling face, your photo and caption saying why you support the project are welcome.
Email to Jane Smith at smithjeg@mindspring.com. Put solar photo on the memo line.
Ron McDaniel supports the CUCC Solar Array Project as a tiny step to help his friend(S), Skip Stoddard and all earthlings, toward the lofty goal of zero dependence on fossil fuels. Skip flexes his tired and very old muscles on a 100 mile bicycle ride and we all win. Kudos to Skip and the CUCC Solar Array Project!!!!
Sam and Joanna Woodrum said, "We want to support the Solar Array Project to reduce the use of fossil fuels that might cause sea level rise and damage coastal areas. The beach is important for lots of reasons, but for one, it's one of the easiest places for us to see and experience God."

Joe and Karen Bearden support the CUCC Solar Array Project because
"Since we have beautiful trees around our home we aren’t able to support solar energy on our property. We love and appreciate the opportunity to support solar at CUCC! Let’s grow the local solar movement! Let the SUN shine!"