Passing along what we learned

One of the goals of Community United Church of Christ's Justice in a Changing Climate Initiative is to share what we learn with other congregations and groups.  The CUCC Solar Array Project was designed to be a pilot project to test whether community-funding was a feasible way to fund a solar array on a nonprofit.

This website was a key tool in our fundraising campaign. We decided to both update it with our post-installation progress and retain information from the fundraising campaign so that you can see what we tried.   Look for ARCHIVAL NOTES for information pertaining to the campaign period.

Some things we tried worked better than others and there are nuances that are easier to communicate in conversation.  We're glad to answer your questions by phone or in person, one-to-one or with a group. Contact Gary Smith, chair of the JCC, to arrange a conversation.

Here's a quick guide to the fundraising techniques we used, a list of resources we created that you can adapt, and the wisdom we gained through the process.